陈靖-chenjing L. AC., O.M.D.

陈靖-chenjing L. AC., O.M.D.

陈靖-chenjing L. AC., O.M.D.


医疗保健 中医诊所
医疗保健 儿科诊所
星期三丶六 10am-7pm
陈靖医师任教于山东中医药大学,撰有多种学术着作,《针灸穴位解剖图谱》荣获中国美国优秀图书一等奖,已译成十多种语言,是当代世界中医名著,新墨西哥州立大学80年代到大陆购买该著作,作为该校的教材。 陈靖医师是国际知名访问学者教授,1988年应邀来美讲学院,现为医师丶教授丶美国医疗中心主任。 陈靖医师有35年临床经验,20万人次治疗实例,独创“陈氏正骨体系”,“陈氏针法” 美国南加州儿童自闭症与脑病针灸治疗中心 。Autism of Children Acupuncture Thearpy Center in CA US。聘请国际著名儿童中西医结合康复专家刘振寰教授为名誉主任兼针灸康复指导专家。中心主任陈靖。 正骨手法专治各种跌打损伤丶骨伤杂症丶治疗颈椎病丶腰椎病丶肩周炎丶网球肘丶腕管综合症丶膝关节退行性病变及多种骨伤病变, 太极正骨丶拨针丶浮针丶刃针丶外治法对颈腰椎间盘的病变有特殊疗效。 专治关节脱臼 独创陈氏骨伤复位疗法: 专治各种疑难关节脱臼,肩,肘,髋,颈,下颌关节脱臼及婴幼儿肩,肘关节脱臼手法复位(非手术) 运用无痛针灸的特殊手法对当代大学生所困扰的电脑视觉综合症,失眠症,头痛,颈椎病,抑郁症,肌肉拉伤等有很好的疗效。 SLIM & YOUNG青春美(抗衰老减肥)是一种集减肥和抗衰老为一体的减肥产品,蕴含独家抗衰老独特的配方,内含最有效成分为南非野生自然成长的蝴蝶亚仙人掌(hoodia)丶苹果多酚丶沙参丶党参丶麦冬丶黄精丶何首乌等多种天然植物药及植物食品进行组方,不含任何化学成分。 门诊时间: 星期三丶六 10am-7pm 地址: Monterey Park Office:2063 S.Atlantic Blvd. Ste.B Monterey Park,CA 91754 星期一丶二丶四丶五丶日 10am-7pm 地址: Wilmington Office:629 N.Avalon Blvd.Unit C Wilmington,CA90744 Website: www.masterchenjing.com www.wellhealing.net Email:[email protected] Tel: (626)643-9696 《颈椎病》 颈椎病又称颈椎综合征;是颈椎骨关节炎丶增生性颈椎炎丶颈神经根综合征丶颈椎间盘脱出症的总称。 其病理表现为:如椎节失稳丶松动丶髓核突出或脱出丶骨刺丶韧带肥厚和继发的椎管狭窄等,刺激或压迫了邻近的神经根丶脊髓丶椎动脉及颈部交感神经等组织,引起一系列症状。 临床表现: 颈部僵硬不适,如头晕丶头疼.颈背疼痛丶麻木,传导到双上肢或一侧肢体,严重者,可传到手指,上肢无力丶手指发麻丶下肢乏力丶行走困难丶头晕丶恶心丶呕吐,甚至视物模糊丶心动过速及吞咽困难等。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝手法,提端缠丝牵引使椎间盘回位,分离粘连,调整小关节的平衡; 2丶通络活血化瘀膏,无痛苦丶无任何副作用; 3丶多种针法,包括(挑治丶微针丶圆利缝针丶针刀等,疗效可靠,无副作用); 4丶内服独家特有的”中药地黄平骨胶囊“,是联合北京中医研究院共同研制而成; 5丶也可选用中草药汤剂,辩证施治。 《肩周炎》 肩周炎又称肩关节周围炎,俗称凝肩丶五十肩。 症状: 肩部疼痛,夜间为甚,逐渐加重,肩关节活动功能受限而且日益加重,主要病理改变为肩关节囊及其周围韧带丶肌腱和滑囊的慢性特异性炎症,继而引起粘连。肩周炎是以肩关节疼痛和活动不便为主要症状。本病的好发年龄在50岁左右,女性发病率略高于男性,多见于体力劳动者。如得不到有效的治疗,可严重影响肩关节的功能活动,使病人生活不能自理,肩关节可有广泛压痛,并向颈部及肘部放射,还可出现不同程度的三角肌的萎缩。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝手法,提端缠丝,分离粘连,调整肩关节的平衡; 2丶通络活血温经化瘀膏,无痛苦丶无任何副作用; 3丶多种针法,包括(挑治丶微针丶圆利缝针丶针刀等,疗效可靠,无副作用); 4丶内服独家特有的”中药地黄平骨胶囊“,是联合北京中医研究院共同研制而成; 5丶也可选用中草药汤剂,辩证施治。 《腰椎病》 腰椎间盘病变:椎间盘退行性病变丶椎体骨质增生丶骨刺丶小关节功能紊乱等,而产生的一系列症状。 症状: 1丶腰疼丶腰部僵硬不适; 2丶表现为坐骨神经痛。典型坐骨神经痛是从下腰部向臀部丶大腿后方丶小腿外侧直到足部的放射痛,在喷嚏和咳嗽等腹压增高的情况下疼痛会加剧。放射痛的肢体多为一侧,仅极少数中央型或中央旁型髓核突出者表现为双下肢坐骨神经痛; 3丶麻木及感觉异常; 4丶肌肉瘫痪:慢性主要表现双下肢疼痛丶麻木,严重者可传到足趾,或伴有4 肌肉瘫痪; 5丶间歇跛行; 6丶脊柱姿势改变:平卧丶骑自行车时疼痛减缓,坐位丶站立时疼痛加重。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝手法,缠丝牵引使椎间隙变宽丶负压增加使椎间盘回位,同时,分离粘连,调节椎体后关节的平衡; 2丶腰椎通络活血化瘀膏,无痛苦丶无任何副作用; 3丶多种针法,包括(挑治丶微针丶圆利缝针丶针刀等,疗效可靠,无副作用); 4丶内服独家特有的”中药腰椎地黄平骨胶囊“,是联合北京中医研究院共同研制而成; 5丶也可选用中草药汤剂,腰椎1号丶腰椎2号,辩证施治。 单纯性坐古神经痛疼;临床表现;单纯性坐骨神经痛以沿坐骨神经走行方向有明显放射性疼痛为主要特征,患侧臀部丶大腿后侧丶小腿后外侧及路外侧为主要疼痛部位,在体位改变或牵拉坐骨神经时可诱发疼痛或使疼痛加重。中医认为单纯性坐骨神经痛属痹症范畴,治疗方法;陈氏针法;在治疗时循经取环跳丶阳陵泉丶承扶丶委中等足少阳经和足太阳经穴位,一般需治疗一周到两周。 《髋关节骨性关节炎》 临床表现: 主要症状为关节疼痛,关节活动不太灵活。体格检查显示关节肿胀丶有液丶肌肉萎缩;关节主动和被动活动时有吱嘎声,并有不同程度的活动受限和肌痉挛。有些老年人同时伴有远侧指间关节增粗。继发性骨关节炎的原因有:关节的先天性异常;创伤;关节面的后天性不平整;关节外畸形引起的关节对合不良;关节不稳定;医源性因素,如长期不恰当地使用皮质激素等。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝手法,缠丝牵使髋关节间隙变宽丶负压增加同时,分离粘连,调节髋关节的平衡; 2丶髋关节通络活血化瘀膏,无痛苦丶无任何副作用; 3丶多种针法,包括(挑治丶微针丶圆利缝针丶针刀等,疗效可靠,无副作用); 4丶内服独家特有的”中药地黄平骨胶囊“,是联合北京中医研究院共同研制而成 《膝关节病变》 症状:膝关节病变,包括:关节炎丶类风湿性关节炎丶半月板损伤丶髌韧带损伤以及运动伤害,引起的关节错骨缝丶韧带撕裂丶损伤等。主要症状有滑膜炎丶交叉韧带撕裂,髌韧带损伤半月板损伤丶软骨损伤等等。膝盖经常受到冷刺激的人,容易得慢性膝盖病。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝正骨手法,使关节恢复正常功能状态,包括:理筋; 2丶外敷膝关节续筋散,消肿丶活血化瘀丶止疼,使损伤的肌腱再生; 3丶多种针法,包括(微针丶毫针丶圆利缝针丶针刀等,疗效可靠,无副作用); 4丶内服独家特有的”中药膝关节地黄平骨胶囊“,是联合北京中医研究院共同研制而成; 5丶也可选用中草药汤剂,辩证施治; 6,对风湿性关节炎,类风湿性关节炎有特效。 《踝关节扭伤病变》 症状: 1丶扭伤部位的疼痛,肿胀及皮肤瘀斑。严重者患足因为疼痛肿胀而不能活动; 2丶外踝扭伤时,患者在尝试行足内翻时疼痛症状加剧。内侧三角韧带损伤时,患者在尝试行足外翻时疼痛症状加剧。 病因: 包括:外力作用下引起踝关节损伤,如:运动伤害丶跌丶扑丶扭伤,使踝关节错位丶错骨缝丶骨裂 ,引起踝关节皮下瘀血丶肿胀丶疼痛。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝正骨手法,配合特有医疗器械,最重要的是首先恢复踝关节的错位丶错骨缝丶关节功能紊乱,及多种软组织损伤,达到恢复踝关节正常活动功能,多数病患,马上可以行走; 2丶外敷踝关节消淤止痛散,消肿丶止疼,使撕裂的韧带快速修复; 3丶点刺针法,快速消肿止疼。 《创伤性踝关节炎》 症状: 红肿热痛。时间长了会导致慢性踝关节炎可能会影响走路或者运动。 治疗方法: 1丶外敷踝关节消淤止痛散,消肿丶止疼; 2丶点刺针法,快速消肿止疼。 《小儿脱臼,独特手法复位》 包括: 肘关节脱臼丶指关节脱臼丶小儿脱臼丶肩关节脱臼丶小儿脱臼症状丶胯关节脱臼丶小儿胳膊脱臼症状丶小儿髋关节脱位丶小儿肩关节脱位 小儿肘关节脱臼 症状:多见于2~3岁的小儿,当孩子在活动中有牵拉动作,且突然喊疼痛,;拒绝移动他的肘部,手臂不举,肘关节不能正常活动,伴有啼哭,要想到有桡骨小头半脱位的可能, 治疗方法: 陈氏骨伤科特有的太极螺旋缠丝正骨手法,一次性复位,马上痊愈。 治疗特点: 1.四肢跌打损伤丶骨折后期肢体屈伸不利丶关节疼痛丶 肢体功能恢复; 2.急性腰扭伤丶小关节错位丶腰间盘脱出丶慢性腰痛丶特殊手法按摩丶点穴; 3.骨伤科读片,MRI,CR,DR 一般X光片; 4.四肢关节脱位,手法正复; 5.骨伤科各类疑难杂症。 陈靖医师亦精于内科丶妇 科丶儿科及抗衰老疗法,妇女更年期综合征,失眠,抑郁,焦虑,泌尿系统感染,包括脑血管病和慢性前列腺炎的诊断治疗, 有超音波,微循环检测仪等设备。 《脑血管病》--中风丶偏瘫 症状:一侧偏瘫或单一肢体丧失功能。 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏出血针法; 2丶外敷醒脑丶通络中药膏; 3丶汤剂。 《冠心病》 症状:胸闷丶心前区绞疼丶心前区压窄感 治疗方法: 1丶陈氏出血针法,诱导产生细胞再生因子; 2丶内服不起活血化瘀汤。 《面瘫》 症状:口丶眼歪斜,严重影响饮食,面部歪向一侧,一侧眼睑不能完全闭合。 治疗方法: 1丶外敷吊筋散,恢复面神经功能; 2丶口腔内颊粘膜点刺法; 3丶腹针疗法,3-7可愈。 《儿科病》 小儿感冒丶发烧丶流感 小儿湿疹丶顽固性丶多发性丶过敏性湿疹 湿疹病因复杂,常为内外因相互作用结果。内因如慢性消化系统疾病丶精神紧张丶失眠丶过度疲劳丶情绪变化丶内分泌失调丶免疫功能障碍,感染丶新陈代谢障碍等, 1.按皮损表现分为急性丶亚急性丶慢性三期。 (1) 急性湿疹 皮损初为多数密集的粟粒大小的丘疹丶丘疱疹或小水疱,基底潮红,逐渐融合成片,由于... 治疗方法: 1丶外用喷雾中药,特效; 2丶口服中药丶汤剂丶无异味丶味甘,无任何副作用,保证疗效。 陈医师与北京中医研究院共同研制了抗衰老唯一专利系列产品“中华九宝胶囊”,还有“降脂灵” ,“减肥胶囊”, “更年安” 等共二十种产品。 其治疗范围包括高脂血症,高胆固醇,冠心病,心脑血管病。减肥胶囊和降脂灵,降血脂和减肥减脂两种有100% 的效果保证,零副作用。 陈靖医师诊所接受车祸工伤丶运动伤害患者,接受 PPO医疗保险。 腰酸背痛丶莫名疼痛是21世纪各界人士的通病,陈靖医师愿为患者付出爱心与关怀。 SLIM & YOUNG青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊介绍 能否在世界各地发掘丶筛选天然植物药及植物食品,即能够减肥,同时又具抗衰老作用,常年服用没有任何副作用?有!就是美国植物药研发公司经过35年研究的最新成果。 青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊是一种集减肥和抗衰老为一体的减肥产品,蕴含独家抗衰老独特的配方,内含最有效成分为南非野生自然成长的蝴蝶亚仙人掌(hoodia)丶苹果多酚丶沙参丶党参丶麦冬丶黄精丶何首乌等多种天然植物药及植物食品进行组方,不含任何化学成分。 产品功效  青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊的综合功效  减臀围丶腰围丶腿部等脂肪,减脂肪的同时,不会使身体流失水分;  补气丶补肾丶活血丶化瘀丶滋阴丶润肠通便;  增加人体耐力,不易疲劳,减低生活压力,保持青春活力;  减肥修身,可赋予肌肤丰润丶弹性及弹性回缩力;  增加丶调节免疫系统功能。  特殊效果  保持心血管内膜光滑度,延缓内膜的退行性的病变,常服该产品可以降低心脑血管病发病率;  有利于人体维生素丶矿物质丶微量元素和其他必要元素的补充;  透过 “健康能量节食” 来减轻重量;  减低食欲,不易饥饿。 健康减肥--新理念  吸取几千年中国古老中医药研究成果,重点选择了世界多国确有临床实效的植物药,将最有效的传统中草药 与西方有效植物药相结合,开发精制而成植物药保健新产品;  增加肝脏处理脂肪的能力,包括提高(脂肪代谢及三羧酸循环)的速度),不需要特殊运动也能达到减肥的目的;  ——减肥是指减脂肪!绝不是减水分丶减肌肉丶减骨骼重量及减能力;  产品是减肥营养的补充剂,可促进丶增强身体多项生理功能,尤其增强人体免疫功能,同时可延长染色体终 端,对延长寿命及延缓衰老有特殊的作用;  通过当今美国最有效的植物药技术加工精炼,相对安全丶副作用小,与合成的化学药物有本质的区别。 解答疑惑,肥胖机理 我为什么会胖?进入体内的卡路里超过人体代谢消耗的卡路里,脂肪逐渐的堆积—>产生了肥胖。人体肝脏处理脂肪的能力降低了,即使进入人体的卡路里没有超过人体代谢消耗的卡路里,也能产生肥胖。 我30岁以前从不控制饮食,也不运动,我也不觉得胖了多少。40岁以后,我即使控制饮食,可身体像吹气球一样的快速胖起来了。无论怎么运动也减不下来,而且会感觉很疲劳,这是为什么!!!为什么!!!我心里呐喊我需要Energy!!!Energy!!! Energy!!!!! 青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊,就能为你提供Energy--人体综合能量! 青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊通过美国FDA认证的工厂制作 FDA是美国食品药物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)的英文缩写它是国际医疗审核权威机构,由美国国会即联邦政府授权,专门从事食品与药品管理的最高执法机构。通过FDA认证的食品丶药品丶化妆品和医疗器具对人体是确保安全而有效的. 青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊经过美国FDA批准注册的工厂制作,不含任何在美国禁用的50多种传统中草药,如:附子,川牛膝,鸡内金,乳香,没药,细辛等,产品严格控制重金属,坚持高标准丶安全性丶科学性的药材采购原则,从源头上保证产品质量,并应用美国先进的生产技术提炼丶浓缩而成,青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊是绿色健康减肥的通行证! 试验数据  为期12周由医师监督进行的开放型试验;  以42位女性和13位男性为试验对象;  年龄在20-64之间;  对每位受试者进行一次短期培训,告知其健康饮食的益处;  每4周进行一次全面评估:重要生命参数丶体重丶食欲鉴定丶能量鉴定;  12周减肥超过30磅的占50%以上;减肥超过25磅的占20%以上;减肥超过15磅的占10%以上;减肥超过50 磅的占20%以上。 (点击图片为服用抗衰老胶囊受试者结果统计图) 减肥疗程  减肥疗程设计  服用青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊三个月为一个疗程,平均一个月后开始约减10磅-15磅;  根据每个人的减肥指标要求,可选用一至三个疗程,减到自己满意的效果为止;  想要长期维持已达到的满意减肥效果,建议继续服用维持量一个月两瓶,不易反弹。  服用方法 每日2至3次, 每次5粒 After treatment lost 6 inches 60 lbs(治疗后腰围减掉6英寸), belt punched 12 new holes(腰带新打了12个孔,体重减轻60磅) 使用禁忌  若使用者有中等程度以上的高血压的人,不适合服用此药,如果服用西药血压达到正常值仍可服此药;  该产品长期服用可达到抗衰老的目的。适合各种不同年龄组,与西药不冲突,但需间隔两个小时服为好;  忌服碳水化合物丶糖丶碳酸饮料!!低脂饮食!!! 经典真实减肥成功案例 (点击图片为患者治疗前后效果比较)  减肥成功案例一:瘦下来的喜悦 你一定开始实行你的减肥大计了,也想看看身边正在行动中的人,其实减肥并不是一件想象的那么难,我通过服用一个疗程青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊,平均一个月就能减2-3英寸腰围的肥肉,同时,饭量比以前减少了,很快会吃饱,不再感觉饥饿了,还很有力气从事工作。总之,减肥觉得非常有收获,它改变了我的饮食习惯!  减肥成功案例二:减肥并不难只要努力就能减 我对别人说:曾经我也苗条过!随着年龄慢慢积累,我的体型也随之横向发展越来越快,每次逛街看到那些漂亮的只有小号的衣服时,我不知道有多羡慕,总渴望有一天能穿上它们,心里下决心一定要减肥 !现在有了青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊,我服用了一个疗程后,不仅减掉了我腰围的游泳圈,更重要的感觉皮肤也比较有弹性,没有乏力丶心慌丶多汗丶失眠等其他药物减肥的常见副作用,我非常满意,我要感谢青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊帮我找回了青春!  减肥成功案例三:我的减肥之路 市场上的减肥产品玲琅满目,让人无从着手,我试过很多方法,真是屡减屡败,我以为今生不可能减肥成功了。一天,我来到陈靖中医师诊所看病,无意间看到了“青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊”的产品介绍,心有些动了,还想试试。谁知服用一个疗程后,我竟然平均减了10-15磅,看到这个结果我异常激动,我成功了。  减肥成功案例四:量身打造的减肥方法 减肥需要方法,更要注重健康。陈靖医师在减肥方面具有独特的技术和较高的水平,针对肥胖病人的胖因丶年龄丶体质量身打造最适合的减肥方法,让减肥效果更好。我是美国洛杉矶陈靖诊所上周的初诊病人,一周竟然减了5磅,腹部平坦了丶排便顺畅了丶面色也更加红润了,青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊的减肥效果真是太神奇了。  减肥成功案例五:减肥让我看到了希望和未来 通过朋友介绍得知青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊对减肥的疗效十分有效,也想试试,但又担心对身体会有副作用,但是没有想到,我以前的血脂比较高,通过服用青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊,这个月血脂由280降到170了,降了100多,而且我的记忆力比以前明显好转,精力也比较充沛,我非常高兴青春美(抗衰老减肥)胶囊不仅能够帮助我减肥成功,同时,还能够提高我的生活品质。 我们的目标: 尊崇人体科学,服用青春美 重拾生命的美妙旅程! 发短信号码:(626)6439696(微信可加此号码) 降脂灵胶囊 药物组成: 灵芝,红菌,川芎 ,山楂等。 主治功能:降胆固醇, 降血脂, 降血压, 保持血管弹性, 促进血液畅通, 预防血管硬化, 降低血液粘滞度, 预防血管硬化及心脑血管病变, 预防中风。 药物特点:无副作用,降低血压100%有效。 适应症:高血脂症,高胆固醇,高血压,脂肪肝。 用法用量: 口服, 每日3次, 每次4粒, 饭前服用。 孕妇慎用。 请将此品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 置阴凉干燥处保存。 Introduction of SLIM N YOUNG Youthful Beauty (Anti-Aging Diet) Capsules Is it possible to discover, screen natural botanicals and plant foods around the world, which can lose weight while having anti-aging effects, year-round taken without any side effects? Yes. It is the latest research results developed by the American Herb Scientific Company after 35 years of botanical herbal research. SLIM N YOUNG Youthful Beauty (Anti-Aging Diet) is a set of weight loss product combining weight loss and anti-aging effects in one, contains an exclusive anti-aging unique formula, contains most effective wild natural ingredients which grow in South Africa as Hoodia (hoodia), Apple polyphenol, Radix Codonopsis, Rehmannia, Polygonum, Ganoderma, Ophiopogon, Sealwort, Adenophora and many kinds of natural botanicals and plant foods prescription, doesn’t contain any chemical ingredients. Product Effect: Comprehensive effects of youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules: •Reduce hips, waistline, minus legs and other fats, the body doesn't lose moisture while reducing fat; •Supplement Qi, kidney, increase blood circulation, resolve stasis, nourish Yin, laxative; •Increase the body's endurance, reduce fatigue, reduce pressure, and maintain youthful vigor; •Slimming can give the skin plump and moisture, resilience and elastic recoil; •Improve and regulate immune system function. Special effects: •Maintain cardiovascular intima smoothness, slow intimal degenerative changes, often taken can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease; •Conducive to complement vitamin, minerals, trace minerals and other essential elements; •Through "healthy energy diet" to reduce weight; •Reduce the appetite, not easily hungry. Healthy Weight Loss - New Ideas •Drawing on research results of thousand years of ancient Chinese medicine, focusing on selection of the world multinational clinical effective herbal medicine, combined the most effective traditional Chinese herbal medicine with western effective botanical medicine, developed and refined the new herbal health products; •Increase the liver's ability to metabolize fat, including accelerate fat metabolism and the Krebs cycle, no special exercise needed to achieve weight loss goal; •--- Weight loss to reduced fat! Not reduce moisture, muscle, bone or energy; •Weight loss products are nutritional supplements can promote and enhance a number of physiological functions of the body, especially in enhancing immune function, extending length of chromosome end, has a special role in extend life and anti-aging; •Through America's most effective herbal processing technology presently, produced and refined relatively safe, less side effects and essentially different from synthetic chemical drugs. Answering Doubts, The Mechanism of Obesity Why am I fat? Calories that entered into body greater than body metabolized calories, fat gradually accumulates and produces obesity. Human liver's ability to deal with the fat reduced, even calories enter the body less than body metabolize calories can also produce obesity. Before 30 years old, I had never controlled diet, not exercised either, I did not feel how much I fat. After 40, my body like a balloon blowing up fast became fat even if diet. No matter how much exercise still no cut down. I also felt very tired, why is this!!! Why !!! My heart cries I need Energy!!! Energy!!! Energy!!!!! Youthful Beauty (Anti-Aging Diet) capsules can provide you with Energy - Human Body Integrated Energy! Youthful Beauty (Anti-Aging Diet) capsules produced by the U.S. FDA Certified Plant FDA is the abbreviation of U.S. Food and Drug Administration, it is the international medical audit authority, and it is authorized by the U.S. Congress the federal government, the top law enforcement agency specializing in the Food and Drug Administration. FDA approved food, drug, cosmetics and medical devices are guaranteed safe and effective to human body. Youthful beauty ( anti-aging diet ) capsules were produced by the FDA approved and registered plant; do not contain any kind among over 50 kinds of traditional Chinese herbal medicine banned in the United States, such as aconite, cyathula, gallus gallus domesticus, frankincense, myrrh, asarum, etc. The product had strict control of heavy metals, adhere to high standards, safety, scientific principles of medicine procurement, from the source to ensure product quality, and apply advanced production technology of the United States to extract, concentrate, youthful beauty ( anti-aging diet ) capsules is the green pass of healthy weight loss! Test Data •An open trial of 12-week supervised by a physician; •42 women and 13 men as test subjects; •Between the ages of 20 to 64; •Provide a short-term training for each person to inform them benefits of healthy eating; •Conduct a comprehensive assessment every four weeks: vital parameters, weight, appraisal of appetite, appraisal of energy; •12 weeks lose weight more than 30 pounds over 50%; weight loss over 25 pounds accounted for over 20%; weight loss over 15 pounds accounted for over 10%; weight loss over 50 pounds accounted for over 20%. Weight Loss Course of Treatment Design of Course of Treatment of Weight Loss: •Taking youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules three months as a course of treatment, lose about 10 -15 pounds after one month on average; •According to each person’s weight loss goal, choose from one to three course of treatments, reducing until satisfied with result; •Want to maintain long-term satisfactory results of weight loss achieved, it is recommended to continue taking maintaining amount of two bottles a month, not easy to rebound. Usage: •5 capsules, 2 to 3 times a day, After treatment lost 6 inches 60 lbs, belt punched 12 new holes Use of Taboo •If the user has more than moderate high blood pressure, he/she is not suitable to take this medication; if taking other medicine to reduce to normal blood pressure can still take this medication; •Long-term use of this product can achieve anti-aging purposes. Suitable for a variety of different age groups, and doesn’t conflict with western medicine, but taking at an interval of two hours is recommended; •Avoid eating carbohydrates, sugar, carbonated drinks!! Low-fat diet!!! Classic Real Success Stories of Weight Loss •Weight Loss Success Story One: Joy of Slimming You must begin to implement your big plan to lose weight, but also want to look at people taking action around you, in fact, weight loss is not so difficult as your imagination, after going through a course of treatment of youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules, I cut 2-3 inches of waist fat in an average of one month, meanwhile, I had less appetite, soon became full, no longer felt hungry, but also very energized in work effort. In short, the weight loss was very rewarding, it changed my eating habits! •Weight Loss Success Story Two: Losing weight is not difficult, you can cut fat as long as you make effort I said to others, I had been slim once! Slowly accumulated with age, my body also developed horizontally quickly and quickly. Every time shopping seeing those beautiful and only small size clothes; I did not know how envious I was. I always eager to be able to wear them one day, I had decided to lose weight! Now I have youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules, after taking a course of treatment, not only lost my swim ring on waistline, more importantly I feel the skin more resilience, no common side effect of fatigue, palpitation, sweating, insomnia, etc of other weight loss drugs, I’m very satisfied, I want to thank the youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules for helping me get back the youth! •Weight Loss Success Story Three: My Road to Weight Loss Weight loss products are everywhere on the market, people don’t know where to begin, I tried many methods, tried and failed repeatedly, I thought could not lose weight successfully in this life. One day, I came to Chen Jing Chinese medical clinic and inadvertently saw an introduction about "youthful beauty (anti- aging diet) capsules" product, my heart moved, and would like to try. Never knew after taking a course of the medicine, I unexpectedly reduced 10-15 pounds on average. So excited seeing the result, I succeeded. •Weight Loss Success Story Four: Tailored Way to Lose Weight Lose weight requires method, and more importantly to pay attention to health. Dr.Jing Chen has a unique technique and a high standard. Tailored to fat patients’ cause, age and constitution, develops the most suitable way to lose weight,let the result becomes even better. I was the new patient of Chen Jing’s clinic in Los Angeles, United States last week, unexpectedly reduced by 5 pounds in a week, belly became flat, defecation smoother and ruddier complexion, weight loss by youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules are really amazing. •Weight Loss Success Story Five: Slimming makes me see hope and future Through friends I knew youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules for weight loss treatment was very effective, I also wanted to try, but worried about the side effects on the body, I had relatively high blood lipids, never thought by taking youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules, this month my blood lipids dropped from 280 to 170, a drop of more than 100, but also my memory was significantly improved than before, energy was also more abundant than before, I am very pleased youthful beauty (anti-aging diet) capsules can not only help me successfully lose weight, also able to improve quality of my life at same time. Our Goal: Respect human science, Taking the youthful beauty, Regain the wonderful journey of our life! Tel:(626)2892298 Text Number:(626)6439696(Wei Xin can add this number) Address: 2063 S. Atlantic Blvd. Ste. B Monterey Park, CA 91754 Cholesterol Formula Ingredients: Ganoderma lucidum, red fungus root, chuanxiong, hawthorn ect. Other Ingredients: Starch. Function: Lowering blood lipid, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, maintain blood vessel elasticity, promote blood flow, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood viscosity, prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, stroke prevention. Features: No any side effects, lowering blood pressure 100 percent efficient. Indications: Hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol, hypertension, fatty liver. Usage: 4 Capsules, 3 times per day, before eating。 Packing: 90 Capsules per bottle. SLIM N YOUNG (Anti-Aging Lose Weight) Capsules Introduction American Herb Scientific Company Tel: (323) 9819981 Formula by Dr. Jing Chen Slim N Young (Anti-Aging Lose Weight) capsules, only speak for itself Is it possible to explore, screening natural botanical medicine and foods made from plant in the world, which can both lose weight and have anti-aging effects, taking year-round without any side effects? Yes, it is the youth n slim (anti-aging lose weight) capsules developed by American Herb Scientific Company after 35 years of botanical research. --- Lose weight is to lose fat! It’s by no means losing water, lose muscle, lose bone weight and lose ability. Young n slim (anti-aging lose weight) capsule is a kind of lose weight product which combines weight loss and anti-aging into one; contains an exclusive anti-aging formula containing Fructus Mori, Hoodia, Apple polyphenol,Radix Codonopsis, Rehmannia, Polygonum, Ganoderma, Ophiopogon, Sealwort, Adenophora, African herbal medicine and many kinds of natural botanical medicine and foods made from plant, without any side effects, anti-aging, lose weight, increases liver's ability to metabolize fat and promote body’s fat consumption, effectively reduce stubborn cellulite, and to prevent further accumulation of fat. Meanwhile providing the energy needed by the body, giving the skin plump, firm, elasticity and maintain youthful vitality. By taking the young n slim (anti-aging lose weight) capsules, not only change our eating habits, but also reduce food intake automatically, usually a week after beginning to have effect, three-month as a course of treatment, according to each person's condition can be the first use one to two courses, until reduced to own satisfaction, generally take two bottles a month of maintaining amount is fine. Answer doubts, the mechanism of obesity 1. Why am I fat? Calories entered into the body greater than the body metabolized calories, fat gradually accumulates -> produces obesity. Human liver's ability to deal with the fat reduced, even the calories entered the body less than the body metabolized calories can also produce obesity. 2. Before 30 years old I had never controlled diet, neither did exercise, I did not feel much fat as I was. After 40 years old, although controlling diet to a certain degree, the body became fat as quickly as blowing the balloon. Even how much I’d exercised the fat was not cut down, and I feel very tired, which is why! ! ! Why! ! ! My heart cries, I need Energy! ! ! Energy! ! ! 3. Why? Before 30 years old, all the physiological parameters of the human body are very active, human liver is capable of handling excess fat, after 40 years old, all the physiological indicators decline, recession. . Therefore the human liver reduced capacity to process fat -> causes obesity. 4. Liver is the only one of the body's largest chemical plants, sugar, protein, fat metabolism of three substances is accomplished by the liver TCA cycle. TCA cycle is not only a major pathway of glucose metabolism, but also protein and fat catabolism pathway. TCA cycle happens in mitochondria of the cell. Liver is the fat transport hub. After digestion and absorption some fat enters into the liver and subsequently transformed to the body fat storage. During hunger, the storage of body fat can be firstly transported to the liver, then decompose. Liver is also one of the main organs to synthesis fat acid, cholesterol and phospholipids. When fat metabolism is in disorder, can accumulate fat in the liver and cause fatty liver. 9 Great Features 1, The U.S. FDA certified, strict quality testing; 2, It can extend the length at both ends of the mitochondria, the more extended length, the longer life, the less the length, the shorter the life. This argument has been proved by the Harvard University. 3, Beauty skin, increase skin elasticity and elastic recoil, smooth finish superficial layer of the skin, open microcirculation within the skin, increase blood flow and cell metabolism of the skin. 4, Enhance liver’s ability to process sugars, proteins and fats. How to prove that the product can enhance this capacity? Patient feels energy increased after taking this product, not easily become fatigue, all physiological functions of the body enhanced. 5, Young n slim (anti-aging lose weight) capsule can smooth the cardiovascular endometrial, not prone to blood clots, plaque, intimal hyperplasia and degenerative diseases of the vascular intima, commonly taking the product can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. 6, Young n slim (anti-aging lose weight) capsules, can change your eating habits, eating small amounts of food to feel full, reduce appetite, not easily hungry, can control yourself away from JUNK FOOD; 7, The static weight loss, promote intestinal peristalsis, maintaining intestinal unobstructed; 8, If used together with our cholesterol herb, can reduce blood cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein, clean arteries layer and control its inflammation and infection, smooth blood vessels, prevent onset of blood plaques, stroke and heart attack. Confirmed efficacy, achieve lowering blood lipid, weight loss and anti-aging three purposes. 9, Long-term use of the product can achieve the anti-aging purpose. Suitable for a variety of different age groups, doesn’t conflict with western medicine, better take at two hours interval. Tips: Having over medium high blood pressure is not suitable to take this medicine. If taking western medicine blood pressure reached normal level, can still take this medicine. Obesity standards (1) The world standards of obesity Presently all over the world uses the world body mass index (BMI) to measure a person fat or non-fat. Method of calculation BMI = weight (kg) divided by height (in meters) square. The world standards of obesity prepared by the World Health Organization is BMI around 18.5-24.9 is normal, BMI greater than 25 is overweight, BMI greater than 30 is obese. (2) Male and female's weight calculating formula, based on the proportion of body (more suitable for Asians) Male's standard weight calculating formula = (height cm-100) X0.9 (kg) Female's standard weight calculating formula = (height cm-100) X0.9 (kg)-2.5(kg) Normal weight: standard weight + - (above below) 10%. Overweight: 10% greater than the standard weight 20% less than the standard weight. Mildly obese: 20% greater than standard weight 30% less than the standard weight. Moderately obese: 30% greater than standard weight 50% less than the standard weight. Severe obesity: more than 50% greater than the standard weight. Harvard Medical School found refining TA-65 in Astragalus restores youth and be immortal It’s very important to coordinate the food. I believe many people are looking forward to live forever, but presently no one can prevent aging, illness and death can not be avoided. The skin is an important criterion of human aging. But perhaps in the near future, such myth will become real. Recently, scientists at Harvard Medical School announced they invented a magic drug that make people return to youth, "longevity" maybe someday in the future is no longer a dream. Scientists at Harvard Medical School discovered a precious mixture in a Chinese herbal called Astragalus. The mixture is refined, which resulted in a magic nutritional supplements named after the "TA-65". The reason that it is amazing, because it can activate an enzyme called "Ruili enzyme", the enzyme provides certain protection to the chromosome end, and therefore will indirectly protect cells. In the past year, the research team has conducted a "TA-65" experiment in mice, mice injected by "TA-65" was found not only chromosome end was extended in mice, but also the immune system has been restored, even the bone density has increased. This means that if humans injected with the "TA-65" nutritional supplements, it will extend the chromosome end, Re-"Resurrection" cell function and features, Flabby skin folds can naturally restore to youthful firmness and beauty. "TA-65" for mankind brings not only beauty, but also healthy. According to a study from the University of California, the rate of human aging has a great relationship with usual lifestyle and genetic factors, those with shorter chromosome end people suffering from heart disease risk is three times more than people with long chromosome end. The existence of "TA-65" will active every single cell in mankind. In fact, not only in the United States, recently Moscow State University scientist developed an antioxidant in 40 years that can effectively inhibit the harmful effects of oxygen on the human body. 99% of the oxygen in the body may become harmless water, and 1% may change to superoxide and convert to toxic substances. Antioxidants may prevent the conversion of oxygen to hazardous substances, thereby reducing the aging impact on human cells to achieve anti- aging purposes. Scientists said that this antioxidant can not only greatly extend human life, but also make people remain in a young, healthy state. Currently this "live forever drug" has been successful in the laboratory, to extend the life of mice for several years. Researchers prepare the next step of the "live forever drug" in human experiment, and put it into the market before 2012, at that time people simply taking a pill will be able to eliminate many health problems brought by aging. But scientists still stated it might as well have food more convenient and reliable rather than medication. That is to start adjusting eating habit around 30 years old - avoid eating grains and dairy products, eat more vegetables, fruits, seafood and nuts for food. This eating habit is similar to the lifestyle of the Stone Age human ancestors, if insisted well after 30-year-old can even help people access to stopped aging and "no illness stage" earlier.







2063 S Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA 91754 Wilmington Office:629 N.Avalon Blvd.Unit C Wilmington,CA90744

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